WTTW Organic Garden Springs Back to Life

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Winter’s (mostly) behind us and we’re ready to grow! It might not quite feel like it yet, but spring is here and it’s time to head back to the garden. The Organic Gardener Jeanne Nolan joins us to prepare WTTW’s organic garden for a fruitful growing season and talk about what’s new for 2016.

Nolan and her staff helped us set up our garden in 2014, advising us on everything from siting and building the beds to preparing the soil for planting to choosing the right plant varieties. This year, we’ll also explore how to grow food in patio-size planters, how to make your own compost and gardening with kids.

Listed below are crops selected by Nolan that will be planted in addition to the crops that voters pick.

• When to plant: March 15-Nov. 25
• How to plant: From seed or transplant seedling

Sugar Snap Peas
• When to plant: March 15-May 30 (WTTW planted peas on March 30)
• How to plant: Plant from seed

Your turn

As we did last year, we’re asking viewers to help us select some of the crops we’ll grow in our garden based on Nolan’s recommendations. Cast your votes below. Polls are open until noon on April 22.

On March 30, Nolan harvested crops planted beneath the season extension which included carrots planted in May 2015.

In the video below, watch Phil and Jeanne plant sugar snap peas in the WTTW organic garden.

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How to Start a Garden

Not sure how to start your garden? With help from Jeanne Nolan and her team, we will guide you through the process from selecting a site for your garden to staking crops and everything in between.

Need Garden Help?

Ask Jeanne Nolan and The Organic Gardener crew.

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