In light of the recent Metra scandal, Gov. Pat Quinn is looking to appoint a panel of experts to suggest a “fundamental overhaul” of both Metra and the Regional Transportation Authority. Will the task force recommend streamlining the oversight of public transportation? And is it a good idea to completely revamp Metra, Pace, CTA and the RTA? We have analysis.

Medical Marijuana & City Budget

We share what you had about the to say about the legalization of medical marijuana in Illinois and the city's budget shortfall in tonight's viewer feedback.

Illinois is now the 20th state to allow medical marijuana. Gov. Pat Quinn signed House Bill 1 on Thursday, which legalizes the use of marijuana for medical purposes. Paris Schutz has the details.

Gov. Pat Quinn responds to the lawsuit filed against him by Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan and Senate President John Cullerton. The two legislative leaders filed suit Tuesday challenging the governor's decision to withhold paychecks from lawmakers until they come up with a pension reform solution. Paris Schutz has the details. Read Quinn's statement.

He’s got the job Bruce Rauner wants; Gov. Pat Quinn is seeking re-election to a second full term.

With Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan opting to stay out of the governor’s race, Gov. Pat Quinn leads the cash dash among the 2014 gubernatorial contenders. Read an article.

Gov. Pat Quinn suspended the salary of Illinois lawmakers for failing to reach a compromise on pension reform. Listen to Quinn's full announcement and read reaction.

Concealed carry is legal in Illinois, as the legislature deals another blow to Gov. Pat Quinn. Chicago Sun-Times Springfield Bureau Chief Dave McKinney has the details. View interactive graphics to see how Senate and House members voted.

The Illinois House voted against Gov. Pat Quinn's amendatory veto of concealed carry legislation, 77-31. See how House members voted in our interactive graphic.

New gun laws are set to take effect after a holiday weekend that saw 10 homicides. Paris Schutz has the details. View our interactive graphics to see how Illinois House and Senate members voted on concealed carry legislation.

Gov. Pat Quinn makes big changes to the concealed carry bill. Read more about the changes.

The one-day Springfield special session comes and goes with the fate of pension reform now in the hands of a committee. Find out who is on that committee.

Democratic gubernatorial candidate Bill Daley offers a three-point plan for pension reform, calling Gov. Pat Quinn out for "failed leadership." Daley is calling on Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan to issue an opinion on the constitutionality of pension reform bills. Watch the full news conference.

Hoping to make some progress on pension reform before next week's special session, Governor Quinn calls a meeting with the General Assembly's legislative leaders. Paris Schutz has the latest from their meeting. 

Venture capitalist Bruce Rauner says he'll fix a broken Springfield in an ad announcing his run for governor. Rauner joins us to discuss his bid.

Medical marijuana, pensions, gambling and guns. What will the governor do about these hot-button issues as lawmakers enter the final stretch of the spring session? Paris Schutz has more.