Hear what viewers had to say about Chicago Public Schools’ mariachi music program, Geoffrey Baer’s tour of Chicago’s rapid transit system and Ald. Ed Burke’s workers’ compensation program when we read feedback from the "Chicago Tonight" website, and our Facebook and Twitter pages.

Hear what viewers had to say about Toni Preckwinkle's comments on the state budget stalemate and our candidate forums for the 4th and 7th Congressional Districts when we read feedback from the "Chicago Tonight" website, and our Facebook and Twitter pages.

Hear what viewers had to say about our web-exclusive story about a tent city in the South Loop and Carol Marin's panel of aldermen discussing expanding the inspector general's powers when we read feedback from the "Chicago Tonight" website, and our Facebook and Twitter pages.

Hear what viewers had to say about our talk last week with Chicago Aviation Commissioner Ginger Evans and Friday's "The Week in Review" when we read feedback from the "Chicago Tonight" website, and our Facebook and Twitter pages.

Hear what viewers had to say about Illinois Comptroller Leslie Munger’s warning about state taxes, Carol Marin’s interview with CPS CEO Forrest Claypool and Chicago’s high-rise boom when we read feedback from the "Chicago Tonight" website, and our Facebook and Twitter pages.

Hear what viewers had to say about Paris Schutz's interview with Mayor Rahm Emanuel when we read feedback from the "Chicago Tonight" website, and our Facebook and Twitter pages.

Hear what viewers had to say about Gov. Bruce Rauner's State of the State address when we read feedback from the "Chicago Tonight" website, and our Facebook and Twitter pages.

Hear what viewers had to say about the Republican proposal to take over Chicago Public Schools when we read feedback from the "Chicago Tonight" website, and our Facebook and Twitter pages.

Hear what viewers had to say about the Republican proposal to take over Chicago Public Schools when we read feedback from the "Chicago Tonight" website, and our Facebook and Twitter pages.

We read viewer feedback from the "Chicago Tonight" website, and our Facebook and Twitter pages.


We share what you had to say about some of our recent stories when we read viewer feedback from the "Chicago Tonight" website, and our Facebook and Twitter pages.

We share what you had to say about some of our recent stories when we read viewer feedback from the "Chicago Tonight" website, and our Facebook and Twitter pages.

We share what you had to say about some of our recent stories when we read viewer feedback from the "Chicago Tonight" website, and our Facebook and Twitter pages.

We share what you had to say about some of our recent stories when we read viewer feedback from the "Chicago Tonight" website, and our Facebook and Twitter pages.

We share what you had to say about some of our recent stories when we read viewer feedback from the "Chicago Tonight" website, and our Facebook and Twitter pages.

We share what you had to say about some of our recent stories when we read viewer feedback from the "Chicago Tonight" website, and our Facebook and Twitter pages.