On the 150th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln’s assassination, we revisit a story about a man who built – from scratch -- a full-size working replica of the 1860’s steam locomotive that pulled Lincoln’s funeral train. When Jay Shefsky introduced us to Dave Kloke in July 2014, Dave and a team of volunteers had finished the locomotive and had begun work on replica of the Lincoln Funeral Car. Chicago Tonight takes a look at the nearly complete Funeral Car.

Photo by Timothy Noonan

A blue line train derailed early this morning at O'Hare Airport, sending 32 people to the hospital. Paris Schutz has the details. Did you witness the derailment? Take any photos? E-mail us here if you'd like to share your photos and story with Chicago Tonight.

After a scandal that resulted in the resignation of its CEO, Metra is looking for a new leader. Elizabeth Brackett sits down with new Metra board members to talk about leadership and the company’s vision going forward.