How can Chicago translate the pride felt today for our little league champs into a long-term plan for the city's youth? We discuss with our panel.

Should Cops Wear Body Cameras?

Should police in Chicago wear body cameras? We discuss the implications with our panel. 

As construction in urban areas picks up, the Chicago Loop feels the momentum. The old Chicago Motor Club building may be converted into a hotel soon while the Thompson Center waits its turn for a facelift. 

Chief meteorologist at WGN Tom Skilling co-authored an op-ed in the Chicago Tribune regarding climate change and the potential effects of inaction. We discuss the issue with him tonight. 

In an age of polarization and a divided Congress, many are calling for compromise. But in a new book, constitutional law professor Richard Weisberg details how flexibility and compromise have harmed the human race throughout history.

After being spun off from the broadcast arm, Tribune Publishing Co. debuts on the New York Stock Exchange but its first day of performance is not great.

The state continues to struggle financially as a result of many obligations - pensions being one of the most immediate. As constitutionality of Senate Bill 1 becomes more uncertain, some lawmakers are looking to amend the constitution in order to move forward. But how will this affect state workers and who will ultimately pay the price?

As Toni Preckwinkle gears up to keep her job as Cook County Board president, she is faced with a number of issues. We ask about some of her greatest challenges and where she plans to go from here.

New research shows one common treatment for high cholesterol may not be worth the risk.