Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Anti-War Protest
Chicagoans are preparing for a march downtown tonight protesting the continuing war in Iraq. Rich Samuels will have a live report.

News Analysis with Elizabeth Brackett
This week marks the 4th anniversary of the war in Iraq. Elizabeth Brackett talks to Iraq war veteran Tammy Duckworth, who is making a visit next week to Walter Reed Hospital in Washington.

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County Board Cleaning Contracts
Christian Farr reports on the continuing dispute among Cook County Commissioners over cleaning contracts in Cook County.

Chicago Matters
What does the future hold for undocumented high school students who want to go to college? Should they pay the price for decisions their parents made? Eddie Arruza looks into that in tonight's installment of our Chicago Matters series, "Beyond Borders."

Spelling Bee Champs
They can spell words that you rarely use. We'll meet the Chicago and suburban winners of the Chicagoland spelling bees, who are on their way to the National Scripps Howard Spelling Bee in Washington.

A legendary Italian marionette company has teamed up with Chicago Shakespeare Theatre to create a rather unusual Macbeth. But the puppet masters aren't speaking the lines... they don't even speak English! So how do they stay in sync with actors who know no Italian?

Hedy Weiss Theater Reviews
Chicago Sun-Times theater critic Hedy Weiss has three new reviews, including the Goodman Theater's "Rabbit Hole," now on stage.

The Chicago Tribune's Dawn Turner Trice shares her thoughts about what it means to be an up-and-coming neighborhood.

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