"The Cabinet" (Courtesy of Redmoon)

For 25 years, Redmoon engaged the community in dozens of neighborhoods. Its exuberant street parades and seasonal festivals brought theatrical magic right to the people. But the twin problems of fallout from its Great Chicago Fire Festival in 2014 and an expensive rental space in Pilsen have brought the respected company to its end. We speak with the company's longtime artistic director Jim Lasko.

Redmoon Theater rolls out a scaled-back version of the fest Saturday

The festival, from Pilsen-based Redmoon Theater, will take place at Northerly Island on Saturday. Find out what other changes are in store this year.

(Todd Petrie / Flickr)

According to a recent report by Swiss financial services company UBS, Chicago joins New York City, Zurich, Geneva, Oslo, London and Hong Kong in an exclusive group of the most-expensive cities in the world. As an antidote to what may seem depressing news, we scoured the web for something everyone can feel good about: free stuff.

The Great Chicago Fire Festival culminates this Saturday on the Chicago River.