Studs Terkel

Studs Terkel would have been 100 years old today. We go to the vault for interviews with Terkel from many different periods in his life.

Seth Boustead

New WFMT Radio Show

Mozart. Beethoven. Radiohead? What is modern classical music, and what are its influences? We talk with one of today's modern classical composers.

Sixty years ago today, a Chicago radio station began broadcasting classical music and is still at it today. We pay a birthday tribute to our sister station, WFMT, on its 60th birthday.

Radio station WFMT is celebrating its 60th anniversary of broadcasting classical music in Chicago. We talk to program director Peter Whorf about Tuesday's 10-hour "Day of Music" live broadcast celebration at the Chicago Cultural Center.

Nicole Cabell. Photo © Devon Cass

Since studying her craft at Chicago's Lyric Opera, she's become one of the most sought-after sopranos in the world. We get a live performance from opera superstar, Nicole Cabell.